I can't believe we are half way thru January. Times flies when you are having fun. I had a bday last week! Hubby took me out for steak. For some reason, and he has done this for years, I get no gift! ARGGGH! But, I am going to go and get me a couple of DVD's, and order some other gifties online~embroidery stitch outs, and some clipart for quilt labels. Then wrap them, and tell him to give them too me. I dont think it will make a difference to him, but it will make me feel better.
It has been so icy here for the last couple of days. Good weather to stay inside. I have been going thru my BAGSSSSSSSSS of scraps, and am cutting them up into manageable pieces. I have made so much headway! I am down to a bag of strips for strip piecing, a bag of smaller pieces, and another bag of strips to cut for lasagne quilts, and other strip quilts. I am cutting them into squares of various sizes and then strips for certain quilts that I have in mind. I am also cutting up some fabrics for a VERY scrappy Turning Twenty quilt. I feel so great to have as much done as I do. I am anxious to start on the quilts now. I have the ideas buzzing around in my head already!!!!
I went thru my charity fabrics, and I passing them on to other ladies that do things for Project linus. It is really freeing. And, now they will get finished and be able to warm kids like they are suppose too. I had some blocks from various swaps that I have had swappers send in for charity, and those are going too! I have 2 charity quilts here to finish and that is on my agenda as soon as the scraps are cut up. I think another couple of weeks and the scraps should be "history".
I also threw away alot of VCR tapes that we had taped eons ago. Was talking with dh and asked him if he thought we could as we are replacing most of them. But, we kept a large tote of tapes that we had bought, and then there are some in a dresser also. I will be purging these to my dd as we replace them with DVD's. I tell you, I am cleaning house--literally!
I have also been reading "Endless Chain" by Emily Richards. Nice story. I have so many books to read also, and then pass them on. I am not a very fast reader, as i do so only when in bed at night. I am lucky to get a chapter done each night. I am about 2/3 done with this book.
Well, better get, work again tomorrow. Love my job, but gosh, wish I could just have a 4 day work week..................YEah, I could find plenty to keep myself busy that extra day--LOL.
No pics to post, but hope to get a few things done this week, so maybe next time.