Saturday, December 20, 2008

5 days till Christmas!!!

Wow, what a few days it has been since I have posted! Whew! I have been busy at the Quilt Shoppe! Did some classes there this month. It was so much fun. We made a prim ornie that I developed a couple of years ago! And, a Stocking Snowman Pin that I had recieved as a gift a few years ago. The gals sure enjoyed them.
Things have changed on the job front too. I have been an Infection Control Nurse/Employee Health Nurse/Staff Education Development Coord. for the past 2½ years. With the Quilt Shop being opened now, the job and my duties at the shop have taken a toll on me. Oh, I was also taking call a week during the month. So, I have given up the desk job, and am going back to the floor for a while. My wish is to go full time at the shoppe sometime soon, but that will be awhile. It will be so much better to only work 3 twelve hour shifts, then to work 5 full time days at the desk job. I am happy about my decision, and hope that this will give me the opportunity to design more too.

The house is decorated-------well mostly. College boy came up the other nite (late-during an ice storm), and he has been stuck here for a couple of days. I dont mind at all, but I think he is getting bored. Nice to have college boy home for a few days. I miss him, and so does his father.

I want to tell you about a give away at:

Sounds like a great one, and one I am happy to get a chance at.

I did not make any of my christmas gifts this year. I feel very sad about that, as I love to do that. But, with the opening of the quilt shop and working full time at another job, it just didnt happen. Starting the new year tho, I am going gang busters on making my gifts for next year.

Well, just wanted to wish you all the merriest of all Christmas' this year! I miss you all, and hope that in 2009 we can see each other sometime! Here is a little gift from me to you! She is named "SNOW SUE~BERRY". You may resize her, and make gifts from the design. Please do not use her in any design packages, or claim her as your own. Please limit things you sell with this design on them to 10 or less.


Michelle said...

Congratulations on having your shop open!! Do you have a website? Thank you for the cute stichery pattern.

Hope you have a Merry Christmas!


Laura-IH said...

I LOVE the little snow-sue! She is so cute! Thank you!

I'm so excited about your shop. Congrats! : )